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What our experience meant to us.


"My collective experience throughout this project, has been one I will never forget. I received an opportunity where I was able infuse my imagination to a field that I want to further pursue. Integrating bioengineering and space exploration is essential for sustaining life outside of Earth. Developing and designing the LBNP suit, provided me with essential problem solving techniques that I hoped to achieve. This project taught me the values of teamwork, perseverance, and creativity."


"Working on this project helped me gain essential skills in engineering design, prototyping, working with diverse teams, ethical testing, and managing a project timeline. I can't thank the members of this senior design team and our advisors in the UCSD Orthopedic lab for all their hard work, which made this project extremely successful and helped create an amazing learning experience for myself as a Bioengineering student and future engineering leader. This project allowed me to explore the field of space medicine as well as helped me further develop my knowledge and application of engineering problem solving practices."


"Overall, this project has helped me gain further experience in working together on a diverse team. My brilliant team members were each colleagues I could rely on, which made tackling such an immensely difficult task one which was manageable and in the end successful. We went through the design process together, starting from just a list of ideas, and once we were able to finish and get valid data after testing our LBNP suit, the feeling of accomplishment was indescribable. With this experience gained, I learned the importance of teamwork, and I hope in the future I can gain more opportunities to collaborate with others."


"This project allowed me to explore my interests in the field of space exploration and develop new insights into space medicine, a field I had little knowledge of. I learned to be a more comprehensive engineer, one that would explore all aspects of a project meticulously. Attention to detail became very important for the project and for me, as a lack of research may have slowed down the project at the beginning planning phases. I also had a better understanding of the design process used in creating an innovative new design, from conception and research through the product build and testing."

Chase Verstuyft was the editor of this page.

©2017 by Lower Body Negative Pressure Fluid Shift Countermeasure Suit for Long Duration Space Flight.

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